Meet Village

A place to belong and connect with people in your neighborhood, workplace, or family.


At Village, You Will...


Be Seen

People of all backgrounds and identities are invited to visit.  Expect a warm welcome and a chance to introduce yourself on your first visit to a Village community.



Connect comfortably with others in a one-to-one conversation using a suggested prompt.  We call these Community Connections.



Join a small group conversation of your choice during the Open Space Conversations.  And, you'll have an opportunity to suggest a topic of interest to you!

What Members say they get from Village:

Less loneliness and more belonging

At a time when we are more connected than ever before, Americans report a lack of belonging.  Many communities are experiencing a surge of disconnection.  Village provides a space to connect with others in meaningful ways, without technology or agendas.

Team Corporate Teamwork Collaboration Assistance Concept

Friendships of all kinds

Diverse friendships are critical to a healthy community, and are linked to healthier and longer lives. Village is great for people open to meeting others different than themselves, and building diverse friendships.


Opportunities to build social skills

At Village members practice listening and conversation skills that benefit them in all areas of life.  Additionally, our co-created gathering model gives anyone a chance to step up and take leadership roles, providing opportunities to practice public speaking and community organizing.


Meaningful support with challenges

A sign of a healthy community is mutual aid: the sharing of resources and support with each other.  Village provides a platform for supportive group discussions, requests for direct support from friends, and organized activities such as volunteering or fundraising.

About The Village Program



More experienced members volunteer to take roles which together form the gathering program.


Key Components

We follow the same gathering program, which includes a grounding, acknowledgement, Community Connections, and Open Space Conversations.



After visiting you'll be invited to join as a member, giving you full access to the community.  There are no fees or obligations, Village is 100% free and open.


Deeper Purpose

At Village, we believe there is deep purpose in building connections without the agendas and missions.  Our movement is based on local connection, not large-scale missions.

Say goodbye to feeling disconnected and hello to belonging at Village!

Take the first step towards connecting with others and getting involved in your community by joining Village. You'll have plenty of opportunities to contribute, co-lead gatherings, and support members and the causes important to them.


VillageCo is the nonprofit organization behind Village.  Our vision is a world where everyone feels a sense of belonging to a local community.  Our mission is to provide the tools and support groups need to start Villages in their neighborhoods, workplaces, and families.


Village Seattle

Formed in January, 2020
Weekly virtual gatherings
Monthly in-person gatherings with potlucks


Village Boise

Formed August, 2022
Monthly in-person gatherings


Village Family

Family villages meet for virtual family reunions several times a year.


Village TARP

Formed August 2021
Monthly virtual gatherings in support of prison reform - open to the public